Computer Terminologies and Abbreviations [N-Z]

Computer Terminologies and Abbreviations [N to Z]

Computer terminologies and abbreviations are frequently asked in Bank PO/clerk and other exams. Here is an extensive list of short-forms or abbreviations related to computers and information technology: 


NAS : Network Attached Storage 

NASSCOM : National Association Of Software & Service Companies 

NCP : Network Control Protocol 

NDIS : Network Driver Interface Specification 

NTFS : New Technology File System 

NTP : Network Time Protocol 


OCR : Optical Character Readers 

OLE : Object Linking And Embedding 

OMR : Optical Mark Reader 

OOP : Object Oriented Programming 

OOPS : Object Oriented Programming System 

OS : Operating System 

OSI : Open System Interconnection 


PC : Personal Computer 

PCI : Peripheral Component Interconnect 

PCMCIA : Personal Computer Memory Card International Association 

PDA : Personal Digital Assistant 

PDF : Portable Document Format 

PDL : Page Description Language 

PDU : Protocol Data Unit 

PIC : Programming Interrupt Control 

PLA : Programmable Logic Array 

PLC : Programmable Logic Controller 

PNG : Portable Network Graphics 

PNP : Plug And Play 

PPP : Peer To Peer Protocol 

PPTP : Point To Point Tunneling Protocol 

PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory 


QDR : Quad Data Rate QEP : Quoted for performance 

QDS : Quality of service R ADSL : Rate Adaptive Digital Subscribes Line 


RAID : Redundant Array Of Independent Disks 

RAM : Random Access Memory 

RAMDAC : Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter 

RAS : Remote Access Network RD RAM : Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory 

RDBMS : Relational Data Base Management System 

RICS : Reduced Instruction Set Computer 

RIP : Raster Image Processor 

RISC : Reduced Instruction Set Computer 

ROM : Read Only Memory 

RPC : Remote Procedure Call 

RTC : Real Time Clock RTF : 

Rich Text Format 

RTOS : Real Time Operating System 


SACK : Selective Acknowledgements 

SAP : Service Access Point, Systems Applications Products

SD RAM : Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory 

SDD : Software Design Description SDK : Software Development Kit 

SDL : Storage Definition Language SDN : Integrated Service Digital Network 

SDRAM : Static Dynamic Random Access Memory 

SDSL : Symmetric Digital Subscribes Line 

SG RAM : Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory 

SGML : Standard Generalized Markup Language 

SIM : Subscriber Identification Module 

SIU : Serial Interface Unit SMS : Short Message Service 

SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 

SNMP : Simple Network Management Protocol 

SQA : Statistical Quality Assurance 

SQL : Structured Query Language 

SRAM : Static Random Access Memory 

SRS : Software Requirements Specification 

STP : Shielded Twisted Pair 

SW : Software 


TB : Tera Bytes 

TCP : Transmission Control Protocol 

TCPIP : Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol 

TDI : Transport Data Interface 

TDMA : Time Division Multiple Access 


UDD : User Datagram Protocol 

UDP : User Datagram Protocol 

UI : User Interface 

UML : Unified Modelling Language 

UNIX : Uniplexed Information And Computer Systems 

URL : Universal Resource Locator 

USB : Universal Serial Bus 

USRT : Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitted 

UTP : Unshielded Twisted Pair 


VAN : Virtual Area Network 

VB : Visual Basic 

VCD : Video Compact Disc 

VGA : Video Graphics Array 

VLSI : Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits 

VPN : Virtual Private Network 

VRAM : Video Random Access Memory 

VS : Visual Studio 


WAN : Wide Area Network 

WAP : Wireless Application Protocol 

WINDOWS ME : Windows Millennium Edition 

WINDOWS NT : Windows New Technology 

WINDOWS XP : Windows Experienced 

WORM : Write Once Read Many 

WWW : World Wide Web 

WYSIWYG : What You See Is What You Get 


XHTML : Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language 

XML : Extensible Markup Language 

XSL : Extensible Style Sheet Language 


Z IP : Zone Information Protocol 

ZB : Zeta Byte 

ZISC : Zone Instruction Set Computer


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