1.     Find compound interest on Rs 1600 at 2.5% p.a. for 2 years.

a.    Rs 80

b.    Rs 81

c.    Rs 82

d.    Rs 1681

2.    Find compound interest on Rs 8000 at 5% p.a. for 3 years.

a.    1200

b.    1250

c.    1261

d.    9261

3.    Rs. 10000 is borrowed at 20% p.a. interest compounded half-yearly. Find the amount repayable after one year.

a.    11000

b.    12000

c.    12100

d.    14400

4.    Find the compound interest on Rs. 8000 at 20% p.a. for 9 months, interest being compounded quarterly.

a.    1000

b.    1200

c.    1250

d.    1261

5.    Find compound interest on Rs 25000 at 20% p.a. for 2.5 years, if interest is compounded annually.

a.    39600

b.    14600

c.    37500

d.    12500

6.    If compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% p.a. is Rs 315, what is the sum lent?

a.    1500

b.    1800

c.    2000

d.    2250

7.    If compound interest for the second year on a certain sum at 10% p.a. is Rs 132, find the principal

a.    600

b.    1000

c.    1100

d.    1200

8.    A certain sum of money invested at a certain rate of compound interest doubles in 6 years. In how many years will it become 8 times?

a.    12 years

b.    18 years

c.    24 years

d.    30 years

9.    A certain sum, invested at compound interest becomes Rs 3000 in 3 years and Rs 6000 in 6 years. Find the amount after 9 years.

a.    7500

b.    9000

c.    10000

d.    12000

10.  If compound interest on a certain sum of money for a particular year at 10% p.a. is Rs 990, find compound interest for the succeeding year, assuming interest is compounded annually.

a.    990

b.    1000

c.    1089

d.    1200


1 - B

2 - C

3 - C

4 - D

5 - B

6 - A

7 - D

8 - B

9 - D

10- C

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