Computer Terminologies and Abbreviations [A to M]

Computer Terminologies and Abbreviations [A to M]

Computer terminologies and abbreviations are frequently asked in Bank PO/clerk and other exams. Here is an extensive list of short-forms or abbreviations related to computers and information technology:


ACE : Access Control Entry 

ADSL : Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 

ADC : Analog To Digital Converter 

AI : Artificial Intelligence 

ALGOL : Algorithmic Language 

ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit 

ANSI : American National Standards Institute 

API : Application Program Interface ARP : Address Resolution Protocol 

ARPANET : Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 

ASCII : American Standard Code For Information Interchange 

ATM : Asynchronous Transfer Mode 

AUI : Attachment Unit Interface 

AVI : Audio Video Interleave


BASIC : Beginner`s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 

BCD : Binary Coded Decimal 

BHTML : Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language 

BIOS : Basic Input Output System 

BIU : Bus Interface Unit 

BMP : Bitmap 

BPS : Bytes Per Seconds 


CAD : Computer Aided Design 

CADD : Computer Added Drafting And Design

CAI : Computer Aided Instructuion 

CAM : Computer Aided Manufacturing 

CASE : Computer Aided Software Engineering 

CCNA : Cisco Certified Network Associate 

CD : Compact Disc 

CD RW : Compact Disc ReWritable 

CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access 

CDROM : Compact Disc Read Only Memory 

CGI : Common Gateway Interface 

CISC : Complex Instruction Set Computer 

CLR : Common Language Runtime 

CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 

COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language 

CPI : Clock Cycle Per Instruction 

CPU : Central Processing Unit 

CRM : Customer Relationship Management 

CRT : Cathode Ray Tube 

CUI : Character User Interface 


DAC : Digital To Analog Converter 

DBA : Data Base Administrator 

DBMS : Data Base Management System 

DCL : Data Control Language 

DDL : Data Definition Language 

DHCP : Dynamic Host Control Protocol 

DHTML : Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language 

DLC : Data Link Control

DLL : Dynamic Link Library 

DMA : Direct Memory Access 

DML : Data Manipulation Language 

DNA : Distributed Internet Architecture 

DNS : Domain Name System (Server) 

DOM : Document Object Model 

DOS : Disk Operating System, Denial Of Service 

DRAM : Dynamic Random Access Memory 

DSL : Digital Subscriber Line 

DSN : Digital Subscriber Network 

DTD : Document Type Definition 

DVD : Digital Versatile Disc


EAROM : Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory 

EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 

EDC : Electronic Digital Computer 

EDCDIC : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 

EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 

ENIAC : Electronics Numerical Integrator And Calculator 

EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 

EROM : Erasable Read Only Memory 

ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning 

EULA : End User License Agreement 


FAT : File Allocation Table 

FDD : Floppy Disk Drive 

FDMA : Frequency Division Multiple Access 

FIFO : First In First Out 

FORTRAN : Formula Translation 

FPS : Frames Per Second 

FRAM : Ferro Electric Random Access Memory 

FTP : File Transfer Protocol 


GB : Giga Bytes 

GUI : Graphical User Interface 


HDD : Hard Disk Drive 

HP : Hewlett Packard 

HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language 

HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 


IO : Input Output 

IBM : International Business Machines 

IC : Integrated Circuit 

ICMP : Internet Control Message Protocol 

IE : Internet Explorer 

IGMP : Internet Group Management Protocol 

IP : Internet Protocol 

IRC : Internet Relay Chat 

IRQ : Interrupt Request 

ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network 

ISO : International Standard Organization 

ISP : Internet Service Provider 

ISR : Interrupt Service Routine 

IT : Information Technology 


JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group 


KB : Kilo Bytes Kb : Kito Bit 

KBPS : Kilo Bytes Per Second 


L2TP : Layer Two Tunneling Protocol 

LAN : Local Area Network 

LCD : Liquid Crystal Display 

LIFO : Last In First Out 

LIPS : Logical Interfaces Per Second 

LOC : Lines Of Code 

LSI : Large Scale Integration 


MAC : Media Access Control 

MAN : Metropolitan Area Network 

MB : Mega Bytes

MBPS : Mega Bytes Per Second 

MCS : Multicast Server 

MDI : Multiple Document Interface 

MDS : Microcomputer Development System 

MFT : Master File Table MG : Mega Bytes 

MICR : MagneticNInk Characters Reader 

MIME : Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 

MIPS : Millions Of Instructions Per Second 

MISD : Multiple Instruction Single Data 

MODEM : Modulator And Demodulator 

MP3 : Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer 3 

MPEG : Motion Pictures Experts Group 

MS : Microsoft 

MSDN : Microsoft Developer Network 

MSN : Microsoft Network 

MTU : Maximum Transmission Unit 



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