1.     The length and breadth of a room are 6 meters and 4.5 meters respectively. Find floor area of the room.

a.    24 sq. mt.

b.    24 meters

c.    27 meters

d.    27 sq. mt.

2.    The length and breadth of rectangle are 8 cm and 6 cm respectively. Find the length of is diagonal.

a.    5 cm

b.    7 cm

c.    10 cm

d.    48 sq cm

3.    If side of a square is 4 cm. find the length of its diagonal.

a.    4cm

b.    8 cm

c.    16 cm

d.   4 root 2 cm

4.    In a quadrilateral, length of one diagonal is 15 cm and the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from the opposite vertices are 7 cm and 9 cm. find the area of the quadrilateral.

a.    30 sq cm

b.    60 sq cm

c.    90 sq cm

d.    120 sq cm

5.    Two parallel sides of a trapezium are 4 cm and 5 cm respectively. The perpendicular distance between the parallel sides is 6 cm. find the area of the trapezium.

a.    27 sq cm

b.    30 sq cm

c.    40 sq cm

d.    54 sq cm

6.     Find the area of triangle whose base is 8 cm and the height is 5 cm.

a.    13 sq cm

b.    20 sq cm

c.    40 sq cm

d.    80 sq cm

7.    What will be the cost of fencing a square field, whose side is 20 meters? If the cost of fencing is Rs. 10 per meter.

a.    Rs. 200

b.    Rs. 400

c.    Rs. 800

d.    Rs. 4000

8.    How may tiles of 20 cm x 5 cm are required for paving the floor of a room 25-meter-long and 10 meter wide?

a.    25

b.    250

c.    2500

d.    25000

9.    The length and breadth of a room is 15 meter and 8 meters respectively. Find the length of 3-meter-wide carpet required to cover the floor of the room.

a.    40 meters

b.    40 sq meter

c.    360 meters

d.    360 sq. meter

10.  A man takes 15 minutes to walk along the diagonal of a square field at the rate of 2 km/h. The area of the field is:

a.    6250 sq mt.

b.    125000 sq mt.

c.    25000 sq mt.

d.    50000 sq mt.


Answer Key:

1. d

2. c

3. d

4. d

5. a

6. b

7. c

8. d

9. a

10. b



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