An assumption is something that can be supposed by the implied meanings of the given statement. Imply means “to suggest or express indirectly.” Often people do not speak what is in their mind or what they think in totality, but we can infer or assume what must have in their mind from the statements made by them. For example when you say, “An honest Police Inspector has come to the city, and so crime will be checked”, then the assumption you make is that if Police Inspector is honest, he could put a check on the crime. Thus, when we say something we do not express everything, every aspect of our ideas into words. We tend to leave many things or ideas unsaid, which may be defined as an assumption. It is that part of an argument on the basis of which we say something. Now, we can say that an assumption is that part of an argument which is not expressed or said explicitly as it is assumed or understood intrinsically. Consider the following illustration :

Ex. Statement : Robert is a good player of Indian hockey team. So, India should win the match.

When we analyse these statements, we can express the same idea more elaborately as :

(i) Robert is a good player of Indian hockey team

(ii) A good player is likely to help his team win the match.

(iii) So, India may win the match.

The statement (ii) is left unsaid deliberately while arguing because it is taken for granted. Hence, it is assumption. Thus, an assumption is the hidden part of an argument. In short, we can say that an assumption is something which is assumed, supposed or taken for granted.

Assumption is one type of implication. If we ask a person, “Did you go from Delhi to Patna by air”?, we assume that Delhi and Patna are connected by air (route) — it is the implied meaning of the statement. Therefore, an implication may be an assumption, i.e., on the basis of which we say something. Consider another example :

Ex. Statement : Our country has stood like a solid rock in the face of common danger. From the statement it is implied that there have been dangers to our country— this is also an assumption. Here it should be noted that implications can also be long drawn conclusions and such conclusions are not valid assumptions. Note that there is basic difference between the assumption and implication. An assumption is something on which the statement is based. On the other hand, an implication is something which is derived from and, therefore, based upon the statement.


Ex.1. Statement : Mankind can get freedom only through revolutions.

Assumptions :

I. Revolutions can bring freedom.

II. Except revolution there is no other method of getting freedom.

Explanation : It is clearly mentioned in the statement that there is only means to get freedom, i.e., revolution.

Thus, the statement is based on the fact that revolution can bring freedom. Hence, assumption I is valid. Assumption II is only the meaning of the sentence and hence it is not valid.

Ex.2. Statement : People behave differently in the presence of Boss.

Assumptions :

I. Behaviour can be observed.

II. Behaviour cannot be observed.

Explanation : Only assumption I is valid. If behaviour cannot be observed how one can say that people behave differently in the presence of Boss. For similar reason, the assumption II is not valid.

Ex.3. Statement : Unless country ‘X’ achieves total literacy it cannot achieve its mission of development.

Assumptions :

I. It is possible to achieve total literacy in country ‘X’.

II. No development is possible without a proper mission.

Explanation : Assumption I is implicit in the statement. If it were not possible to achieve the total literacy, the statement would not have been made. The speaker assumes that it is possible to achieve total literacy in country ‘X’.

Assumption II gives the notion that for development a proper mission is a requisite. Hence, it is invalid. Ex. In this question a Statement is given followed by two Assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement(s). Indicate your answer from (1), (2), (3) or (4).

Statement : Population is the greatest pollutant.

Assumptions :

I. Increased population is the greatest resource.

II. Illiterate mass leads to dirt and degradation.

(1) Only I is implicit

(2) Only II is implicit

(3) Both I and II are implicit

(4) Neither I nor II is implicit

ANSWERS (4) Neither I nor II is implicit

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